Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) – Its Importance & Key Components!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
ACR Accessibility Conformance Report

可访问性一致性报告(ACR)是帮助描述产品或服务的可访问性级别及其遵循的标准(例如WCAG)的文档。. 该文件是对特定产品或服务的全面审查,用于外部符合性检查和内部评估.

Don’t forget, it is distinct from Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT). Once an organization fills VPAT, it has an ACR ready to share and publish. The ACR is based on different accessibility standards. Most widely, WCAG 2.2 ACR is used to show conformance. 然而,EN 301 549和修订后的Section 508标准也有ACR要求.

每当产品得到更新,如版本更改、错误修复、待处理的更新等., the ACR must be updated.

Before beginning with ACR requirements, organizations ought to know about its latest version and fulfil its requirements. Currently, ACR 2.5 is the latest version, which was released in November 2023.

Why ACR is important?

产品和服务的买家或供应商使用ACR来比较不同组织之间的遵从性水平. Generally, ACR is useful in the procurement process. Though it is not mandatory, 组织需要生产它,因为它确保了产品的可访问性和遵从性.


  • State government agencies
  • Government agencies
  • Non-governmental organizations that receive government funding
  • Private schools and universities
  • Online stores
  • Information and Communication technology

因此,属于这些类别的组织必须遵守ACR指导方针. Apparently, its legal and regulatory importance cannot be denied. Filling out a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) to generate an ACR is important to comply with the law. 请注意,为第508条填写的VPAT包括一些额外的标准,而不是在WCAG中通常发现的标准.


  • Procurement of products and services
  • Compliance requirements
  • To cover a wider market segment
  • 竞标一些特定的服务,比如学校可以竞标新的虚拟学习环境,企业可以竞标视频会议软件, etc.

What are the components of ACR?

资讯科技产品必须符合“易读性一致性报告”所载的易读性准则。. Based on the responses for each criterion, a score is assigned for ICT product, which ultimately denotes if the product supports, partially supports, or does not support the criteria. 如果给定的标准不适用于产品,则记录为不适用.

Though it is difficult to understand and apply various accessibility standards and their requirements, it must get done. ACR还指定了可访问性标准的版本,从而使涉众对产品评估有一个清晰和完整的了解.

In ACR, in-depth findings are generally presented in a tabular format. It gives a systematic and easy-to-understand view of information to users. Accessibility Conformance Report contains detailed evaluation information, which makes it useful for developers and end users both.

An ACR has below-mentioned parts/components:

  • Product summary: It includes a brief, relevant description of the product or service, ACR’s publication date and version number, evaluation methods, and contact information.

  • Applicable standards: 这些是特定产品或服务要符合的标准.

  • WCAG 2.x report: 更广泛的信息通信技术产品或服务使用WCAG标准作为其可访问性指导和ACR. Further, there are, levels (A, AA, and AAA) for WCAG standards, and organizations comply with them as per their requirements.

  • Revised Section 508 report: 为了提供无障碍的产品和服务,美国的政府机构必须遵守修订后的第508条. 508节进一步分为四章,各机构符合相关标准.

  • EN 301 549 report: 这是欧盟政府机构使用的产品和服务的要求. EN 301 549 is divided into ten chapters with various guidelines on accessibility.

  • Legal disclaimer: 如果组织觉得有必要,他们可以在文件的末尾提供法律免责声明.

Also, every standard is further divided into individual criteria, the extent to which the product meets a particular criterion and supporting comments.

The ACR applies to products or services belong to various ICT categories such as:

  • Electronic content like websites, web applications, PDFs, and web-based authoring tools.
  • Software like native mobile applications, desktop applications, assistive technologies, video communication software, etc.
  • Hardware like mobile phones, peripheral devices, and kiosks.
  • 其他文档和服务,如帮助文档、联系信息、用户手册等.

How can Skynet Technologies help with ACR?

At Skynet Technologies, 我们拥有一支经验丰富的专业团队,为不同的资讯及通讯科技产品和服务制订无障碍标准. We follow a streamlined process to generate an ACR:

我们首先要了解客户的需求以及适用于他们产品的标准. 与所有利益相关者进行彻底的头脑风暴会议,决定如何完成VPAT.

然后由我们的团队根据可访问性标准对产品进行实际审查,这是创建ACR所必需的. 我们的团队决定自动化测试需要哪些工具,以及如何计划手动评估以理解产品的可访问性级别. Assistive technology verification has also been reviewed. 在对信息通信技术产品或服务进行深入审查后,开始评估过程.

Based on assessment results, our experts begin filling out VPAT. 请注意,可能需要证明文件作为某些标准的可访问性的证据. The final outcome is known as ACR.

Moreover, if an organization wants us to continuously conduct retest on the product, we accordingly update ACR for them.

Count on Skynet Technologies for the VPAT / ACR Report!

更新的无障碍一致性报告(ACR)确保信息通信技术产品或服务符合无障碍标准,并且可以安全使用或购买. 此外,可访问性标准随着时间的推移而发展,需要对ACR进行定期修订. Thus, 组织需要向可访问性专家寻求帮助,以避免遵从性问题.

Regularly review and update ACR to reflect any changes in product, service, 或相关的无障碍标准,以提高ICT产品或服务的可靠性.

Gain confidence in your digital accessibility compliance with our VPAT / Accessibility Conformance Report service. Ensure your website or application meets the highest accessibility standards, empowering all users to access your content seamlessly. Our expert team will provide comprehensive evaluations and detailed reports, guiding you towards accessibility excellence. 不要让障碍阻碍你的影响力——今天优先考虑包容性和可访问性. For more information reach out [email protected] or contact us .